Kalkulator Kim's Gluten Free Flour Blend

The only flour blend that suit my taste so far until today are Ms Kim Let Them Eat GF Cake and Ms Kat The Loopy Whisk

They used only 3 different GF Flour to make soft dan beautiful gf bread.

And i love to use only 3 flour in recipes too. 

FYI, I do have my own flour blend too called BFM Flour Blend with different ratios and ingredients.

But it's only in my Masterclass Recipe because people need to learn how to use it perfectly in any recipes.

Maybe soon, i'll create new flour blend that consists of wholegrain flour and starches. 

Im on my way. Still experimenting with that special flour blend. And i love it to the max!

There are also people who used 5-7 different types of gf flour as their flour blend. But this formula makes me difficult to find and combine all here in Malaysia.

In Malaysia, price of wholegrain GF Flour quite expensive than starch flour. 

If we can make beautiful and perfect recipes using only 3 GF Flour, why not use it right?

So, i made 1 special calculator to make me and other people easier to calculate quantity that we need in recipe

Here's the calculator. And it's original flour blend ratios from Ms Kim which consists of:

  • Xanthan gum
  • Tapioca starch
  • Potato starch
  • Fine Rice Flour
  • Whey protein isolate

Kim's Bread Flour Blend Calculator

If you have your own blog and want to add the calculator too, you can copy the embedded code below.

HTML Code Example
    <title>Mixture Calculator</title>
    <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" name="viewport"></meta>
        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            background-color: #F7F7F2; /* Main Background */
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            margin-bottom: 20px;

        .mixture-calculator label {
            display: block;
            margin-bottom: 5px;
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            width: calc(50% - 5px);
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            color: #333333; /* Input Text */

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            padding: 6px;
            border: 1px solid #cccccc;
            border-radius: 4px;
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        function calculateMixture() {
            // Get the total weight input value
            var totalWeight = parseFloat(document.getElementById('totalWeight').value);

            // Reference mixture ratios
            var ratios = {
                "potatoStarch": 285 / 700,
                "riceFlour": 250 / 700,
                "tapiocaStarch": 75 / 700,
                "wheyProtein": 75 / 700,
                "xanthanGum": 15 / 700

            // Calculate quantities for each ingredient based on the ratios
            var quantities = {
                "potatoStarch": (ratios["potatoStarch"] * totalWeight).toFixed(2),
                "riceFlour": (ratios["riceFlour"] * totalWeight).toFixed(2),
                "tapiocaStarch": (ratios["tapiocaStarch"] * totalWeight).toFixed(2),
                "wheyProtein": (ratios["wheyProtein"] * totalWeight).toFixed(2),
                "xanthanGum": (ratios["xanthanGum"] * totalWeight).toFixed(2)

            // Display the quantities
            document.getElementById('potatoStarch').value = quantities["potatoStarch"];
            document.getElementById('riceFlour').value = quantities["riceFlour"];
            document.getElementById('tapiocaStarch').value = quantities["tapiocaStarch"];
            document.getElementById('wheyProtein').value = quantities["wheyProtein"];
            document.getElementById('xanthanGum').value = quantities["xanthanGum"];
    <div class="mixture-calculator">
        <h2>Kim's Bread Flour Blend Calculator</h2>
        <label for="totalWeight">Enter total mixture weight (in grams):</label>
        <input id="totalWeight" inputmode="numeric" pattern="\d*" type="number" />
        <button onclick="calculateMixture()">Calculate</button>
        <br /><br />
        <div class="mixture-result">
            <label for="potatoStarch">Potato Starch (g):</label>
            <input id="potatoStarch" readonly="" type="text" />
        <div class="mixture-result">
            <label for="riceFlour">Rice Flour (g):</label>
            <input id="riceFlour" readonly="" type="text" />
        <div class="mixture-result">
            <label for="tapiocaStarch">Tapioca Starch (g):</label>
            <input id="tapiocaStarch" readonly="" type="text" />
        <div class="mixture-result">
            <label for="wheyProtein">Whey Protein (g):</label>
            <input id="wheyProtein" readonly="" type="text" />
        <div class="mixture-result">
            <label for="xanthanGum">Xanthan Gum (g):</label>
            <input id="xanthanGum" readonly="" type="text" />
        <!-- Logo and Link -->
        <div class="logo-link-container">
            <a href="https://www.asmrdhia.com">
                <img alt="asmrdhia logo" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiQP7WKbTeIZAMzvL5fDopiBW9FEQbJ0YCgC2iPnxeW9CUvq_Xd4_js2CZvKvS3pbviiThdlDKkx4AlBSf6uyoLPDrXU4izMlXkZtfOb1FiceAHuEoWdIGjnL6NSMnOTt5IFTxmAcQV3CMGR5wQR9C9YBkjVOTFnkHsoJtkf4nEPNVNv1G7-AWbMM6Vpks/s1600/logo%20flour%20blend.png" />



Asmrdhia, a seasoned expert in the realm of gluten-free sourdough, revels in imparting invaluable tips and insights, generously sharing her expertise with love and dedication. facebook youtube tiktok instagram

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